Grace Church

“Game Day”

A few months ago Nick Morrow, our college aged assistant tech director at Grace, had a brilliant idea for a video in worship.  He was in his college philosophy class and his professor started a discussion about college football fans and church members.  Thom Rainer published a brilliant blog here covering the 11 differences between a church member and a college football fan.  Nick quickly translated the class discussion into a opportunity to shed light on our own struggles to follow Jesus and our the insanely passion love of college football teams.  (and basketball teams ;0)

Essentially, people are more fired up in the United States about football than they are about Jesus.  Of course, there are numerous qualifications that can be made with this, but here are a few examples of how college football sometimes wins out over Jesus.

“A college football fan loves to win. The typical church member never wins someone to Christ.”

“A college football fan pays huge dollars for tickets, travel, and refreshments for games. A church member may or may not give to his or her church.”

“A college football fan is known for his or her passion for the football team. A church member is rarely known for his or her passion for the gospel.”

Ouch.  So, our drama and tech teams put together a story board, grabbed two hd cameras and went work.  The finished video places two “fired up Jesus fans” in the world of church.  They have a pre-game ritual, they tail-gate, and they cheer in worship.

If you or your church would like to use this video in worship, feel free.  We can dopbox it to you if needed.

Thanks to the Grace team and Nick for your willingness to think way outside the box and offer something meaningful for discussion and inspire change.

Go in peace and go with God.