Grace Church

Heaven, Hell and Everything Else…


We begin a new sermon series this weekend called “Heaven, Hell and Everything Else…” Over the next six weeks, we will discuss:

Feb 22- What Jesus Said About Hell
Mar 1 – What The Bible Says About Heaven
Mar 8-  What The Followers of Jesus said…
Mar 15- Changing Views of Hell
Mar 22- Who Goes to Heaven?
Mar 29 – Paving the Road to Heaven
April 3- (Good Friday) Suffering For Heaven and Sinners
April 5- (Easter) The Rented Tomb

Over the past few years, two major Christian theological schools of thought have emerged on Heaven and Hell.  One is championed by Rob Bell, popular author and former mega church pastor.  The other is lifted up by Francis Chan, popular author and former mega church pastor.

Rob Bell

In his book Love Wins, he lifts up the metaphorical view of Hell.  He takes hold of Hell not being some after life event, but Hell on earth now.  He believes when Jesus spoke of Hell, using the Ghenna, he was talking about a garbage dump outside of Jerusalem.  Hell is now and hell is in the future.  And ultimately, a God who allowed His Son to be sacrificed would not punish anyone because “love wins”.   I would place Bell in the pluralistic or universal salvation camp.  Everyone eventually is with God.

Francis Chan

In his book Erasing Hell, he lifts up the traditional Judeo- Christian view of hell, as a place of punishment and judgment, it’s described with images of fire and darkness and a place of misery and annihilation.  He believes hell is a real place people go in the afterlife if they have rejected God.  I would place Chan in the Christian Inclusivist camp.  Those who believe in Jesus go to Heaven, and anyone who God chooses can be saved as well, mainly based on how they have lived.

Three Theological Camps on Salvation:

Pluralism/Universalism – Everyone will ultimately go to Heaven.
Christian Inclusivism -Those who follow Christ and whomever God chooses end up in Heaven.
Exclusivism or Particularism – Only people whom have personally accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior go to Heaven.

After reading “Love Wins” and “Erasing Hell”, I believe both authors offer substantial scriptural evidence as to their views.  One feels more proof texted, but both views are compelling.  Ultimately, as we walk together through this sermon series, we will each choose where we locate ourselves.  That then will hopefully lead you (no matter which theological tribe you subscribe too) to specific and measurable actions in the name of Jesus.  Join us as we wrestle with Scripture, Tradition and our own personal views of Heaven, Hell and Salvation.