Church Blog Methodist

Change, Focus and the Local Church


Cross silhouette and the holy blue sky

This week the Heartland District of the Missouri Conference learned that our District Superintendent of 2 years was being appointed back into the local church.  Needless to say, many of us are disappointed. It came as a big surprise as we recently developed some big initiatives that I referenced here.

Is the Local Church more important than the District?  Or the Conference?  Are they mutually exclusive in importance?  Are the instrumentalists more important than the overall orchestra?  Is it a both/and?

I’ve heard some say that if we give preference to local church that we are not far from congregationalism.  Perish the thought!!!  That is laughable.  Just because we have chosen to redirect the resources and accountability to the local church is a far cry from congregationalism.

Definition- system of church governance in which every local church congregation is independent, ecclesiastically sovereign, or “autonomous”.

We are far from that, but when tough decisions are made it’s easy to cast blame and accusations.  The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  Where are disciples made?  Churched?  Discipled?  Everywhere, but mainly, in the local church.

Even though it is not convenient or even easy, it’s nice to see the local church and the mission field given a high priority in the United Methodist Church here in Missouri.

Go in peace and go with God.