Church Blog Grace Church Methodist

Hoping for the Best, but Expecting the Worst

I am not a cynic or a pessimist.  My faith in Jesus Christ gives me abundant hope, even in the face of what are insurmountable odds.  Are we called to be bold, courageous and faithful?  Or do we give up and give in to fear when we are uncertain about the future?  Fear is a funny thing.  It can drive us to change everything we believe.  It can cause us to abandon our principles and choose the easy and safe path, so we think.  Whether it be the church or a family, fear can seem like a mountain, keeping us from making bold, faith filled decisions.  We end up taking the easy way out.

The implications of such decisions are truly sad.  We give up trying to be faithful and end up making the situation worse.  Even trying to just pause and wait things out can be a bad decision as well.  So then, of bold or fear, which do we choose?

There is no third option, because choosing to stay the same is a choice of fear.  At least trying to go for it offers some consolation, even if we fail.  Giving into fear means we truly gave up.  We let fear win.  When fear wins, we are paralyzed to try new things, to offer ourselves to new opportunities and the world finds out that we gave up.  Not that we care what the world thinks, but who follows those who peddle fear?

Friends, we are called to be bold.  We are warned by the early church to stay away from safe and timid decisions.  2 Timothy 1:7 says “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”  Fear should not guide us.  The Holy Spirit should be our guide.  Do not let worry and fear keep you from faithfulness.

In Tribes, Seth Godin explains three areas of fear we all carry with us.  They are:

1- Fear of failure

2- Fear of criticism

3- Fear of pain

They have us in their grip, if we let them.  Remember, Steve Jobs was fired from the company he built.  People were constantly criticizing Winston Churchill.  And friends, pain is temporary.  It does not last forever.  Wounds heal, only the scars remain.

So, stop playing it safe.  Stop living in fear.  Be bold in your faith.  Be a light in the darkness for those suffer.  We are only here for a little while, so let’s make it count!

Go in peace and go with God.