Church Blog Methodist

Missouri Annual Conference 2015- Tough Conversations


We are halfway through with #MOAC15.

Discipleship: Growing in Grace

We’ve heard some amazing and inspirational speeches/sermons this weekend.

Rev. David Gilmore, Rev Willis Johnson, Rev Karen Hayden, Rev. Bob Farr, Bishop Schnase, Brian Hammons, Rev Sue Nilson Kibbey, Rev. Jeff Brinkman and Rev. Alice Fowler and many other voices.

To summarize

We Need to Reach All

We Need to Be A Presence In New Places

We Need to Pray More

Discipleship Means Being Uncomfortable

Discipleship Drives us to Focus on Others

We have some very tough conversations at General Conference.  We are bracing for those tough conversations.  And, we were bracing for a tough conversation about camping in Missouri.

We also sang “Are We Yet Alive”, as we do every year.  Are we?  Our tribe is shrinking.  Our tribe seems to be divided.

If we focus on the negative, we find negative.  If we focus on the positive, we see the positive.

and the Camping Board spoke…

Then a few others spoke.

Then we prayed and voted

The house was divided over the future of camping in the Missouri Conference.

61% 39%

Are we dysfunctional? Or maybe, we are just a holy blessed mess.

We don’t normally vote on resolutions, because they are usually ruled out of order.

In talking with others, it feels as if there is something amiss.  It does not feel like previous AC’s.  We are walking into unchartered territory.   It is difficult to name.  But, many of us feel it.

Almost every person on the earth avoids pain.  We don’t like pain.  We don’t like to be uncomfortable.  The Body of Christ does not thrive when we are divided.  Do we trade unity for health?  Rev. Bob Farr said vision, not relationship, should be in the driver seat of the church.  Our natural inclination as the Body drives us to keep everyone happy and at peace.  That means more often than not that we will avoid tough conversations for the sake of the relationship.

I feel like some of us are experiencing the video below.

Remain calm, all is well.


I don’t like going to the doctor.  I will only go if it is absolutely necessary.  I have to be in severe pain before I recognize something is wrong.  I assume others are the As I’ve aged, it’s easier to tell when there is something majorly wrong.  I listen to cues.

Going to the doctor is often a strange circumstance.  They do a bunch of tests that seem unnecessary or not related to the issue at hand.  But, usually, we get to the main problem.  And there is a diagnosis and a prescription.  May work, may not.  Twelve million Americans are misdiagnosed every year.  That is around 4%, which seems low, unless you are one of the 4%.

To seek health and vitality is not a bad thing.  Pastors are encouraged by our health care provider to stay healthy by utilizing tests and preventative care to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Some of us are more diligent than others.

Tonight, we face continued elections for General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference.  We pray for

We also face the continued camping conversation.  May God season our words with grace, mercy and love.  And even though we may disagree, we can seek to love each other as Christ loves us.

And remember-

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.      Colossians 3:13-14

Remain calm, All is well.  God is with us.

Go in peace and go with God.