Church Blog Grace Church Methodist

Summer Camp 2015- Central Methodist University


Summer Camp significantly changed for Grace Church this summer. We’ve camped at Galilee forever.  Since 1991 (the year Grace came into existence) we have led, counseled and camped at Galilee.  This past year, due to decisions from the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church Camp Board, Trustees, Mission Council and the Annual Conference, Galilee was no longer an option.

Some counselors and campers skipped camp at CMU with us because they were busy, working or still upset about Galilee closing. But a few brave souls (91) chose to do something new.  We jumped way outside the camping box in Missouri and tried “camping” at CMU.


It’s difficult to put into words the feelings of loss and confusion during this time of transition.  We could have focused on the experiences or things that CMU did not have compared to Galilee.  What was normal to us at Galilee was completely foreign and just different at CMU.

But, we chose to focus on God, the children and youth.  We left our baggage at the door and jumped into something completely new and exciting.  And to put it simply, CMU is an extraordinary place to host and lead a summer camp!

We used the same schedule we’ve used for 10 years.  Only a few adjustments were needed to fit the site.  New Scriptures, daily themes and activities were changed or updated, but the Spirit was still with us.  I’ve led and counseled at camps for nearly 20 years.  This was one of best weeks of camp I’ve ever experienced.


From the facilities to the staff, CMU did an amazing job.  Their high level of professionalism blew us away!  And facilities were in awesome shape.  Even when we identified areas of concern, they were taken care of within the hour.  We had access to nearly everything we needed, and are already making plans for next year.


And for those concerned with safety, that was addressed immediately.  Did you know that CMU has “blue” campus phones?  They are security phones that students and campers could pick up/take off the hook and security guards would be there shortly.  We also noticed at least two security guards on duty every night.  Galilee certainly never had security.  All in all, we were very safe on the campus.


Worship was led by our Sr. High Leadership camp, with some help from a few others.  Again, the Spirit was the same, we just happened to be in a different place.  It felt odd at first, but after a few days, CMU became familiar.  CMU became camp to us.  And once we dropped our preconceived notions about “camping”, we found ourselves in a near perfect setting to experience God in a brand new way.IMG_4870

All of us loved CMU.  We loved Galilee as well.  If given a choice, 99.9 % of campers and counselors prefer CMU.  The excitement and passion we left with carried back into our churches and we are praying that we can double the number of campers next year at CMU.  We’ve experienced the largest week of camping at Galilee ever (247).  It may take a few years, but we believe we can reach more children and youth at CMU than Galilee.


God is good!  God is with us!  And we at Grace are excited about the future of camping in the Missouri Conference.  Prayers for Jo-Ota as they continue to put together an amazing and ambitious plan.  And prayers for our other three sites.  May they end up in the hands of those who might continue our faith-filled outreach to the world.

A word of personal thanks to Jeff Baker, Scott Burdin and Tina Twenter.

A word of personal thanks to the staff at CMU, specifically Brad Dixon, Mark, Connie and the entire Cafeteria staff!

Finally, thank you to Stephanie Smith and Courtney Boedeker for your faithfulness in directing our Sr. High and Elementary Camps.  And thank you to all the counselors who gave up a week with your families to serve God at camp.  Thank you!!!

God in peace and go with God.

1 thought on “Summer Camp 2015- Central Methodist University”

  1. Jeremy,
    It was with joy that I read the account of your camping experience at CMU. I have a fondness for CMU, as it (or,CMC!) is my alma mater. I’m home from Fayette today after spending the week-end there with other United Methodist Women as we “camped” at Mission u!! I’ll be praying along with you that many more young people will be able to experience God in this setting.

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