
Questions For Ministry

United Methodist Church
Missouri Conference
Heartland District




  1. Please tell us about the most formative experience in your life as a Christian.
  2. Please tell us about God’s call to licensed or ordained ministry and the role of the church in your call.
  3. How do you understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
  4. We each have gifts for ministry. Please tell us what gifts you have exercised and how effective/fruitful they have been.
  5. What is your present understanding of your call to ministry as elder, deacon or to licensed ministry?
  6. What is your support system and how has that helped you in your growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ?
  7. Why are you choosing to live out your call in the United Methodist Church?
  8. Having read United Methodist Beliefs, A Brief Introduction by William Willimon, how do you explain God’s grace?

9. Having read United Methodist Beliefs, A Brief Introduction by William Willimon, what is yourunderstanding of the United Methodist practice of the sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism?

Interview Questions for Continuance of
Candidacy and Local Pastors

Holy Living: 

The following questions are intended to help you convey your personal faith story.

  1. Describe your community and/or family support system.
  2.  How often have you met with your mentor since we last met? And how
    is that relationship helping you?
  3. What spiritual disciplines pattern your life and how do they
    nourish your soul? What has God been showing you through these
    spiritual disciplines?
  4. What progress have you made in your education this year? What are you
    enrolled in for the upcoming year?

Holy Leading: 

The following questions are to help you convey how you put your faith into practices as a leader and provide examples of how others follow you and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

  1. Tell us about your involvement in ministry through your local church or current ministry setting.
  2. Describe your leadership style broadly. How are you empowering
    others to lead and serve?
  3. What have been your challenges in ministry this year?  What are you doing to address those challenges?

Written Work for Commissioning in the
Heartland District

Holy Living

Describe God’s call in your life and how it has led you to seek ordination in the United Methodist Church. Be sure to articulate how your call to ordained ministry continues to be confirmed.

Describe your understanding of the meaning and roles of ordination to Deacon and to Elder.  How are these orders inter-related?  What distinguishes these orders?

Describe your community and/or family support system as you pursue this call on your life.

What spiritual disciplines pattern your life and how do they nourish your soul?

More specifically,

    1. How do you engage in and demonstrate passionate worship in your life?
    2. How do you intentionally develop your faith?
    3. How are you practicing extravagant generosity?
    4. How do you practice radical hospitality?
    5. Where and how are you engaged in risk-taking mission?

What is your current understanding and experience of God?

What is your understanding of humanity, sin, and the need for divine grace?

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and why does it matter to you?

How have you experienced the Holy Spirit at work in the world and in your life?

The United Methodist Church holds that Scripture, tradition, experience and reason are sources and norms for belief and practice, but that the Bible is primary among them.  What is your understanding of this theological position of the Church, and how has your practice of ministry been affected by this understanding?

Holy Leading

How do you lead others in passionate worship?

How do you foster intentional faith development for people in your care?

How do you nurture extravagant generosity in others?

How do you lead others in radical hospitality?

How do you challenge others to take risks in mission and service?

How do you teach and encourage others to share their faith?

Share some examples of your willingness to relate yourself in ministry to all persons without regard to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, social status, gender, sexual orientation, age, economic condition, or disability.