I Am the Bread of Life
In the Gospel of John, we hear the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. Today, we hear Jesus say, “I Am the Bread of Life”.
In the Gospel of John, we hear the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. Today, we hear Jesus say, “I Am the Bread of Life”.
Are you following a legend in your organization? Whether it’s church, the office or sports, there will be a time most of us follow a “legend”. Or so we’ve been told that they were a legend. People may receive that moniker for a numbers reasons. Maybe they increased worship attendance, productivity, or won a bunch of championships. Odds are, you are not following a legend. You are following someone who did a solid job, but…
GOSPEL Goal Setting This model of goal setting is adapted from the (GOSPA) model G- Goals This is something to strive for, and something that is achievable. A goal motivates us to move in it’s direction. A church goal could be to reach 2500 people for Jesus Christ. Another church goal could be to “make new disciples of Jesus Christ.” Maybe a church would desire to feed all the homeless in Kansas City. That is…
Over the past few years several churches in the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church have chosen to go multi-site. Meaning, offering worship services and other ministries in more than one location. Why would a church that is highly successful in making disciples in one location attempt to duplicate their ministries in another location? Is this just a passing fad or is it something more? Grace United Methodist Church has been looking into multi-site…
Grace Launches our El Dorado Springs Campus Grace United Methodist Church (El Dorado Springs, MO) Oct 26, 2015 Over 130 joined us this past Sunday to celebrate the launch of our second campus in El Dorado Springs, MO. At 10 am, our worship band (Psalms Prophet) opened the service in song. The Grace Choir, led by our Director of Music Sharon Owen, sang two songs. Pastor Kevin led the service and Pastor Jeremy preached. After…
Summer Camp significantly changed for Grace Church this summer. We’ve camped at Galilee forever. Since 1991 (the year Grace came into existence) we have led, counseled and camped at Galilee. This past year, due to decisions from the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church Camp Board, Trustees, Mission Council and the Annual Conference, Galilee was no longer an option. Some counselors and campers skipped camp at CMU with us because they were busy, working…
We are halfway through with #MOAC15. Discipleship: Growing in Grace We’ve heard some amazing and inspirational speeches/sermons this weekend. Rev. David Gilmore, Rev Willis Johnson, Rev Karen Hayden, Rev. Bob Farr, Bishop Schnase, Brian Hammons, Rev Sue Nilson Kibbey, Rev. Jeff Brinkman and Rev. Alice Fowler and many other voices. To summarize We Need to Reach All We Need to Be A Presence In New Places We Need to Pray More Discipleship Means Being Uncomfortable…
I recently heard someone say, “We can no longer agree to disagree”. Does this mean that we now have to become disagreeable to each other? I’m not sure. Or are we just not going to talk about the issue we disagree on? For the sake of relationship, something must be decided or worked out, correct? Personal opinions dressed up with facts, figures and polls does not mean someone is “more right” that someone else. It just…
I am not a cynic or a pessimist. My faith in Jesus Christ gives me abundant hope, even in the face of what are insurmountable odds. Are we called to be bold, courageous and faithful? Or do we give up and give in to fear when we are uncertain about the future? Fear is a funny thing. It can drive us to change everything we believe. It can cause us to abandon our principles and…