My Story

I grew up in a small farming community in Kansas. My parents had many jobs in my younger years.  My dad was a milkman, worked at Boeing and eventually landed a job in sales for several different companies.  My mom worked in the grocery store deli and as a librarian for a time.  They owned and operated a restaurant for awhile as well.  Through all the ups and downs of life, we always went to church.

We grew up going to church, and not just on Christmas and Easter.  My two sisters and I would sit with my dad in the back of the church, while my mom sang in the choir.  Church was a way of life, especially on my mom’s side of the family.  The Webster family were Methodists in every sense of the word.  I never ran from the church, it was part of who we were.  And it is still part of who I am today.

My plan after leaving high school was to go to college, obtain a business degree and make a million dollars by the age of 30.  God had a radically different plan.  In my sophomore year of college I received a “call” to ministry.  I had a choice to make.  Either pursue money or pursue God.  I chose to embrace the call.

Over the past twenty-seven I have embraced, pursued and been challenged by the call to ministry.  I had an absolutely paralyzing fear of public speaking, which led me on some fear filled paths.  Eventually, the fear faded and I now fulfill God’s call every day that I can by sharing the hope of Jesus Christ.


I lead a multi site congregation in Lee’s Summit, MO.  At Grace we say, “we are a light in the darkness for the non-churched, once-churched and badly churched.”  Every day we are called to be the light of Christ.  In the past twenty years, our congregation has grown from one site to four, while helping four church plants.  We did this by truly loving God and loving our neighbor.

I also coach, mentor and offer leadership/vision/conflict management training for local congregations and pastors.  I believe that we should always be giving ourselves away to others.  We truly reap what we sow.  If we sow compassion, kindness and generosity, it will grow up around us.

I am deeply blessed by my amazing wife Jill, our two boys and daughter.  We love gardening, going to the farm and spending significant time with friends and family.


My calling and purpose in life is to help build the kingdom of God, grow the church and shine the light of Christ everywhere I go.  If you need a mentor, coach or help, contact me.  I pray for those joining me on this journey.  May the Lord bless you and keep you;  may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace