Coach and Mentor

 Coach, Mentor, Guide, Advisor,
Leadership Training



Over the past 15 years, I have coached and mentored numerous pastors and leaders in preaching, personal development and church growth.   Some of the areas of emphasis have been:

Conflict Management Coaching

Healthy Church Initiative Coach

Preaching Coach

Leadership Mentor

Guide, Consultant and Advisor


I’m not a big fan of consultants.  They don’t always take the time to learn about the organization they are helping.  Usually, they drop a cookie-cuter program, developed by someone else, into an environment foreign to their understanding.  And yet, they get paid anyway.  The best consultants offer customized programs for each organization.  Some of the areas I specialize in are:


Goal Setting

Conflict Management

The Healthy Church Initiative

Leadership Training


Church Board Leadership

Organizing the Church for Fruitfulness

Technology and Church

Visioning for the Future

Event Speaking and Preaching


Following Up With Visitors and Guests

Discipleship Pathways

Church Planting
